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Non-GMO Sugar: It’s All About the Consumer

Over the years, America's beet sugar supply has largely transitioned to genetically modified beets. The DNA has been modified so the sugar beets can withstand the application of Round-Up, a commercial herbicide, thus increasing yields. BUT many consumers perceive a health risk in GMO foods.

The "simple" solution for food manufacturers whose customers prefer non-GMO ingredients is to use cane sugar instead of beet sugar. Cane sugar available commercially is one crop that has not yet been genetically modified. While some sugar companies are choosing to apply for Non-GMO Project Verified seals for their cane sugar, in reality consumers and brands should know that all refined cane sugar is currently non-GMO.

The categories driving the majority of new non-GMO product launches are those that consumers consider to be healthy and better for you. Those products are consumed on a daily basis and often fed to children. They are also perceived to be better for the environment. Additionally, for many consumers who do not want to pay a premium for organic foods, a food manufacturer may want to offer a non-GMO option instead.

Though GMO’s have generally been proven safe for people, Sugaright recognizes that more and more customers want transparent choices about the foods they eat. At the end of the day, whether you choose non-GMO cane sugar or GMO beet sugar depends on the consumer target you are going after.

Sugaright liquid cane sugar is non-GMO, available to meet the demand of your discerning consumers.

Come visit us at IFT Food Expo Booth V221 to begin the conversation, or contact us at

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