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Happy Earth Day!

Every April 22nd, stakeholders of all backgrounds come together to advance sustainability and climate action in commemoration of Earth Day. The day is a reminder that our environment is fragile and must be taken care of through bold, creative, and innovative solutions.

Many would say that we are at the threshold of a “sustainability transition” of the economy. While this transition will affect each company differently, those firms that view this transition as a source of business opportunity, and not just as a risk or regulatory headache, will be best positioned to succeed.

Here at Sugaright, we embed environmental priorities company-wide. Just a few examples:

  • We hold weekly KPI meetings where environmental metrics are discussed between the refinery managers. New ideas and problem-solving measures are vetted to create an opportunity for continuous improvement.

  • This past year we completed Scope 1, 2 and 3 GHG Emissions reporting. The verified data shows that our refineries generate less than 80% of the Scope 1 GHG emissions of a traditional cane refinery.

  • This data will be used to create Science Based Targets to reduce our GHG footprint even more.

But sometimes the challenges are so large, you have to change the system itself to get the greatest gains.

We did that.

By “changing the way the industry thinks about sugar” via higher color sugar specifications, micro-refineries and efficient transportation logistics, Sugaright has effectively reduced the environmental impact of the cane sugar refining industry for years to come.

So on Earth Day, take a moment to think about how some change in you or your company’s behavior can make a positive impact on our fragile planet.

The Earth says “thanks”.


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