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Our Women Rock!

In celebration of International Women’s Day, Sugaright wants to recognize the invaluable contributions women have made to create a successful company.

You will find their participation in every aspect of our business:  trading, sustainability, commercial, engineering finance, human resources, safety, quality assurance, supply chain, and refinery operations.   

Women hold leadership positions at every level and location within Sugaright and CSC Sugar.  Year in and out, women are given opportunities to succeed. And they do. In 2023, our two highest performers were both females. 

Some of our most tenured employees are females, contributing decades to our success.  Congratulations to Dora Cabral, Customer Service Representative in our El Paso Refinery. This past week we celebrated her 20 outstanding years with the company!

That said, we continue to strive to continuously improve everything we do and our work towards improving equality within our organization is never-ending.  We will continue to hire, develop, and promote women throughout our business while developing an inclusive culture where collective genius is a competitive advantage. 

Thank you to all the women of Sugaright & CSC Sugar for your many contributions and for making us a much better company.





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