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New Year’s Resolution: Embrace Change

“One big caloric sweetener trend to watch in the coming year is a leap in the use of the full spectrum of sugar available. For processors making formulations that do not call for crystal clarity of whiteness can save money by using less-refined sugars ranging from brown to gold and also benefit from the positive taste differences these forms of sucrose can bring.” Prepared Foods, December 2017

Sugaright has been asking the industry to Change the Way It Thinks About Sugar for several years now. Our model of offering food manufacturers a choice of liquid sugar options instead of water white is gaining traction and wide acceptance.

In a recent issue of “Talking Points”, Rabobank Research concluded that Big Food has an innovation problem leading to lower sales and a loss of market share. To stay relevant, many big food companies are paying premium prices to acquire innovative brands that appeal to today’s consumer.

The answer to this dilemma is to embrace change rather than to fear it.

As we put away the old to embrace the new, isn’t it time to create a new atmosphere where challenging the status quo is rewarded?

Where out of the box thinking creates opportunity and creativity?

Where you can swim free, leaving old ideas and assumptions behind?

We think so, and we want to help you get there.

Contact us to hear about how Sugaright 350 has become the industry standard in dairy, confections, cereal and baking applications.

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