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GMO? Let Them Know!

As the 60-day comment period on the proposed final rules for GMO labeling comes to a close, Sugaright stands with the majority of consumers in the US who just want to know the GMO status of their food without a lot of hassle and confusion. Unfortunately, none of the current proposals for GMO labeling achieves that goal.

The proposed labeling options include using the term “bioengineered”, the use of various symbols, or a QR code that can be scanned to get more information. No option includes the commonly understood term, GMO.

Another point of contention is the definition of what constitutes a genetically modified product. The USDA sets the bar at 5% of composition, whereas the Non-GMO Project mirrors the EU, Russia and China limit at 0.9%. In addition, the USDA has taken the position that refined oils and sweeteners used in formulations are exempt from the GMO labeling regulations. This includes the 90% of all oils and sweeteners grown from GMO seeds in the US, including high fructose corn syrup and sugar from GMO beets.

According to the Hartman Group, a research firm who has been taking the pulse on this issue for years, the verdict is clear, the majority of people do NOT respond favorably to GMO foods. Other research shows that fears about GMO are reduced when the consumer is simply informed. Irrelevant of what the government rules, innovative and relevant companies have chosen to be transparent and responsive to the consumers desire to know what is in their food.

If your company has chosen transparency and would like to offer assurance of a non-GMO status, Sugaright offers Non-GMO Project verified liquid cane sugar to meet the demands of most US consumers.


Changing the way you think about sugar…..

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